pycycling.fitness_machine_service module¶
Interact with a Fitness Machine Service (FTMS) Bluetooth LE device.
This example demonstrates all cycling-related functionalities of a FTMS indoor cycling device.
Please see also information on obtaining the Bluetooth address of your device.
- First, it prints all ‘read’ characteristics:
Supported resistance level range
Supported power range
Fitness machine features
- Then, it starts ‘notify’ characteristics, which stream data from the device:
Indoor bike data (speed, cadence, distance, resistance level, power, time)
- Finally, it modifies ‘write’ characteristics with some time in between:
Resistance level
Target power (automatically adjusts resistance level based on cadence to maintain same power)
import asyncio
from bleak import BleakClient
from pycycling.fitness_machine_service import FitnessMachineService
async def run(address):
async with BleakClient(address, timeout=10) as client:
ftms = FitnessMachineService(client)
# Print 'read' characteristics
### Fitness Machine Features
fitness_machine_features, target_setting_features = await ftms.get_all_features()
# backward compatible
fitness_machine_features = await ftms.get_fitness_machine_feature()
target_setting_features = await ftms.get_target_setting_feature()
fitness_machine_features = fitness_machine_features._asdict()
target_setting_features = target_setting_features._asdict()
def print_features(features):
for key, value in features.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
print("Fitness machine feature:")
print("Target setting features:")
if target_setting_features["resistance_target_setting_supported"]:
supported_resistance_level_range = (
await ftms.get_supported_resistance_level_range()
print("Supported resistance level range:")
max_resistance = supported_resistance_level_range.maximum_resistance
if target_setting_features["power_target_setting_supported"]:
supported_power_range = await ftms.get_supported_power_range()
print("Supported power range:")
max_power = supported_power_range.maximum_power
# Start receiving and printing 'notify' characteristics
def print_indoor_bike_data(data):
print("Received indoor bike data:")
await ftms.enable_indoor_bike_data_notify()
def print_fitness_machine_status(data):
print("Received fitness machine status:")
print("\t" + str(data))
await ftms.enable_fitness_machine_status_notify()
def print_training_status(data):
print("Received training status:")
await ftms.enable_training_status_notify()
# Write to 'write' characteristics
# IMPORTANT: Before being able to write, the client (this script) must
# 1. Start receiving 'indicate' notifications from the control point characteristic
def print_control_point_response(message):
print("Received control point response:")
await ftms.enable_control_point_indicate()
# 2. 'write' a request to control the fitness machine
await ftms.request_control()
# 3. (recommended) 'write' a reset command
await ftms.reset()
# Set target resistance level
if target_setting_features["resistance_target_setting_supported"]:
print("Setting target resistance level to 25 percent of maximum resistance level...")
await ftms.set_target_resistance_level(max_resistance * 0.25)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print("Increasing target resistance level to 50 percent of maximum resistance level...")
await ftms.set_target_resistance_level(max_resistance * 0.5)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
# Reset target resistance level
print("Resetting target resistance level...")
await ftms.reset()
# Set target power
if target_setting_features["power_target_setting_supported"]:
power_level = 4 / 100 * max_power
print(f"Increasing target power to 4 percent of maximum power ({power_level}W).")
print("The trainer will automatically adjust resistance based on your leg speed.")
print(f"Try pedaling above {power_level}W to feel decreasing resistance, and vice versa.")
await ftms.set_target_power(power_level)
await asyncio.sleep(30)
# Reset
print("Resetting target power...")
await ftms.reset()
# Set simulation parameters
if target_setting_features["indoor_bike_simulation_parameters_supported"]:
print("Setting indoor bike simulation parameters to 0")
await ftms.set_simulation_parameters(0, 0, 0, 0)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print("Setting indoor bike simulation grade to 10%")
print("if connected to a compatible machine (like elite rizer), this should set its grade to +10%")
await ftms.set_simulation_parameters(0, 1000, 0, 0)
await asyncio.sleep(5)
print("Resetting indoor bike simulation parameters...")
await ftms.reset()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
os.environ["PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG"] = str(1)
device_address = "DEVICE_ADDRESS HERE"
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Unresolved intermittent bug when writing to the control point characteristic:
# bleak.exc.BleakDBusError: [org.bluez.Error.Failed] Operation failed with ATT error: 0x80 (Unknown code)
# To work around this, just retry on error, like:
# import bleak
# while True:
# try:
# loop.run_until_complete(run(device_address))
# except bleak.exc.BleakDBusError as e:
# print("BleakDBusError, retrying...")
# print(e)
# continue
# except KeyboardInterrupt:
# break
- class pycycling.fitness_machine_service.FitnessMachineService(client)[source]¶
- async get_all_features() Tuple[FitnessMachineFeature, TargetSettingFeature] [source]¶
- async get_fitness_machine_feature() FitnessMachineFeature [source]¶
- async get_supported_power_range() SupportedPowerRange [source]¶
- async get_supported_resistance_level_range() SupportedResistanceLevelRange [source]¶
- async get_target_setting_feature() TargetSettingFeature [source]¶