Source code for pycycling.battery_service

A module for interacting with Bluetooth devices which support the Battery Service.

This example prints the current battery level to the console. Please see also information on
:ref:`obtaining the Bluetooth address of your device <obtaining_device_address>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/

battery_level_characteristic_id = '00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'

def _parse_battery_level(measurement):
    return int.from_bytes(measurement, byteorder='little')

[docs] class BatteryService: """ A wrapper around a :obj:`bleak.backends.client.BaseBleakClient` object adding Battery Service specific utility methods. :param client: A valid :obj:`bleak.backends.client.BaseBleakClient` object """ def __init__(self, client): self._client = client
[docs] async def get_battery_level(self): """ Returns current battery level of the Bluetooth device. :return: An :obj:`int` representing the current battery level percentage of the Bluetooth device. A value of `100` indicates a fully charged battery while `0` a fully discharged battery. """ measurement = await self._client.read_gatt_char(battery_level_characteristic_id) return _parse_battery_level(measurement)